
Friday, March 29, 2019

Duffy Role Model Assembly

Today we were lucky enough to listen to a Duffy Role Model talk to us about reading, read a book she wrote to us and sing a song to us. Her name was June Pitman-Hayes. She has published s number of books including, 'Kia ora', that she read and sang to us. We enjoyed learning about her life and listening to her experiences as a children's picture book author.

Thank you June Pitman-Hayes!

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Te Puawai Whanau,
    I like how all of the students are listening (Fenix)
    When she came to Kaingaroa school she also read her book and sang us the song.
    I like how she read and sang a song. (Aiden)
    You could have videoed her so we could hear her reading and singing.
    We have enjoyed reading your post.
    Kotare Whanau Kaingaroa school
