
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Swimsafe with Whaea Rhonda

This term we were lucky enough to have Whaea Rhonda teach us how to be safe in the water.


Whaea Rhonda is caring, nice and alot of other things. With Whaea Rhonda I learnt to do freestyle, reach rescue and more. We made a whirlpool, making it feel like a rip. She taught us how to get out of a rip too. You have to swim on your side until you get to the waves. We learnt to do the mushroom float. Those are some of the amazing things she taught us.

By Bobby

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Magic Show

Today the whole school got to watch a magic show. Vas was sharing an important message with us. He told us to eat healthy foods and not junk food. Some students were even asked to go up on stage.

When I walked in,Vas put some music on. I danced to it. I think it was magic music.The first trick he did was turn a piece of rope into a pole and then he lit it on fire. The next trick he did was turn a bird into a bunny. The bunny looked so fluffy. I wish I was up there to hold it. By Aurora 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019